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3M Global Sustainability

3M is one of the most trusted names on the planet when it comes to residential and commercial window tinting, but the company is also committed to making the world a better place through many other initiatives. Watch this video to learn about how 3M is doing more than just providing top-notch window tint in Santa Cruz, Monterey and the San Francisco Bay Area.

At the moment, 3M is actively involved in a number of different causes. Providing people with quality residential and commercial window tinting is one thing the company does, but they are also responsible for coming up with innovative ways to improve everything from the world’s transportation systems to the world’s health care.

By using science, 3M is able to generate ideas that inspire change. Find out more about 3M, and you will see that while 3M window tint is a great product, it’s just one of the ways the company is making a difference today.